The Light Company : Youth Ministry
The Youth Department of the church is organized as an auxiliary to provide young people with opportunities for fellowship, activity, instruction and involvement in the various programs the church offers. This auxiliary takes the name of Light Company after the concept that the church youth are to be lights pointing others to the joy of salvation and the truth of the Word of God.
We encourage you to join us for our numerous youth activities and we know that you and your children will be very blessed.
Women of Ruth: Ladies’ Ministry
The Women of Ruth International is a women’s auxiliary of The Church of God. It is designed to provide women with opportunities for fellowshop, instruction, and involvement in the various activities of the church.
They takes their name from the Gentile woman who forsook her heathen gods to embrace Yahweh, the God of Israel, and His chosen people, the Jews.
Monthly themes promote spiritual life among the women of the church and special fundraising programs are organized and promoted to support activities.
Sons of Abraham: Mens’ Ministry
The Sons of Abraham is the men’s fellowship department of The Church of God. It is responsible for the organization and equipping of faithful men (1 Timothy 2:1,2) to be men of integrity and honor whom God can trust (Exodus 18:21) Our goals are:
• To build a strong and united brotherhood in Christ
• To equip and train our men (young and old) to be godly
• To reach out through service and commitment to our church and community
• To take hold of our God-appointed leadership role
• To show-forth Christ in our personal lives, marriages, and homes
• To define and restore the biblical characterizations of being a godly man in body, soul, and spirit
The Highway Gospel Caravan Mobile Ministry
The purpose of this ministry is to spread the gospel message in the streets and lanes of the cities and in the highways and hedges in fulfillment of the commission of Christ recorded in Luke 14:16-24.
This ministry uses specially lettered automobiles and motorcycles to parade and travel in a caravan to various parts of the nation, stopping to preach on street corners and other locations and involving itself in the distribution of thousands of pieces of literature.
It is made up of ministers and laymen who are dressed in red and black uniforms with appropriate insignia that identifies the nature of their work. Various contingents have logged thousands of miles sharing the message of Christ and the church.
Each unit functions as a military contingent and assumes the posture of the church as the army of God reaching out to conquer the territory controlled by Satan.
Liturgical Dancing: Music Ministry
Music and singing were a part of the life and worship of Jesus (Matthew 26:30) They were a part of the early church (Acts 16:25). Paul instructed the believers to make singing and music a part of worship (Colossians 3:16; Ephesians 5:19), James confirmed this practice (James 5:13). The rich heritage of Judaic music continued to be a part of the liturgy of the church, with the use of various musical instruments and singing.
When the children of Israel were delivered from Egyptian bondage and crossed over the Red Sea, Miriam the prophetess led them in a song of triumph during which she “took a timbsrel in her hand; and all the women went out with her with timbrels and with dances.” (Exodus 15:20)
The timbrel is one of the most ancient of all musical instruments. Today it is called a tambourine. In the Old Testament, the children of Israel used this instrument in praise of God. Uniquely, the timbrel was most commonly used together with the dance in praise of God. This close association between timbrel and dance can be found in Psalm 150:4 “Praise him with timbrel and dance.”
Today, the church uses tamborines, waves, banners, flags, music and dancing to worship God and to help inspire others in praise. Praise dancers/groups consist of children as young as 2 and up to those in their 70s.