Welcome Home!
- We are a Pentecostal, charismatic church that celebrates the baptism and gifts of the Holy Spirit
- We choose to love everyone unconditionally because that’s how Jesus loves us
- We honor the Sabbath yet we are not legalistic. We simply choose the Sabbath because it pleases God
- We recognize our righteousness comes through the blood of Jesus alone – not by our works
- We believe that Jesus did not do away with Judaism He simply reformed it into what we call New Testament Judaism
- We celebrate the reformed festivals of Judaism – Passover, Pentecost & Tabernacles
- We practice Inner-Healing Ministry/Counseling because we believe that forgiveness is the key to living an abundant life and to counteract the defiling effects of unforgiveness and the resulting bitterness
We welcome you home and pray that God blesses you in all you do! It is our prayer that you find something here that will help you in your spiritual walk with God and to develop a closer personal relationship with Him.

When visiting us you’ll find…
- A Sabbath-Keeping, Bible-Believing, Spirit-Led, Family-Focused group of fellow believers in Jesus Christ
- Contemporary Praise & Worship
- Powerful Ministry of the Word, messages relevant to your life
- Dynamic Praise Dance Ministries for all ages
- A great place to relax, fellowship, and deepen your relationship with God.
To find a church near you visit our church locations page.